Minced Meat Egg Omelette recipe’s main ingredients are minced pork, sliced onions and eggs. Ingredients are simple to find and the recipe is easy. Looking at the pictures is like reading manga/ comic (lol!).
^Ingredients: 200gm of pork (minced/ finely chopped)
1 no of onion (sliced)
2 nos of egg
Step by Step on How to Cook the Egg Omelette
Mix the ingredients then season with salt and pepper
Heat some oil in wok
Pour in the ingredients
Spread the ingredients to even the thickness of omelette and make sure all parts are well cooked at the same time
Flip the omelette to cook the other side
Tips: Easier to flip part by part :)
Minced Meat Egg Omelette ready to serve
(Well, its not really round but tastes as great!)
Mum cooks Minced Meat Egg Omelette very often as breakfast. This dish is especially nice when served with Teow Chew porridge (white porridge) together with other dishes such as fried peanuts, fried salted fish, Sichuan beancurd (fu yu) and a simple stir fried vegetables.
Simple Teow Chew Porridge dishes make great breakfast :)